708th meeting - 3 May 2000
Item 12.1
Recommendation 71 (1999) on "Model Agreements on Transfrontier Co-operation in the Field of Nuclear Safety"
(Recommendation 71 (1999), CM/Del/Dec(2000)693/12.1, 700/12.1, 702/12.1, CM/Inf(99)89)
The Deputies adopted the following reply to Recommendation 71 (1999) on "Model Agreements on Transfrontier Co-operation in the Field of Nuclear Safety":
"The Committee of Ministers, having studied Recommendation 71 (1999) on "Model Agreements on Transfrontier Co-operation in the Field of Nuclear Safety", concluded that nuclear power related issues did not fall within the competence of the Council of Europe. Accordingly, Model Agreements in this field should not be appended to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities".