Local Democracy Agencies (Embassies) - Reply to CLRAE Recommendations 15 (1995), 24 (1996) and 33 (1997). - Council of Europe. Committee of Ministers, Ministers' Deputies - Decision 720/12.1 (13 September 2000)

720th meeting – 13 September 2000


Item 12.1

Local Democracy Agencies (Embassies)
Reply to CLRAE Recommendations 15 (1995), 24 (1996) and 33 (1997)

(GR-EDS(2000)50 and 54)



The Deputies adopted the following reply to CLRAE Recommendations 15 (1995), 24 (1996) and 33 (1997) on Local Democracy Embassies:

"The Committee of Ministers has carefully studied Recommendation 15 (1995) on the Local Democracy Embassies, Recommendation 24 (1996) on Local Democracy Embassies – A contribution to democratic security and Recommendation 33 (1997) on the Local Democracy Embassies: instruments for peace and democracy in Europe.

Having, in July 1999, authorised the Secretariat to continue preparations for the creation of an Association of Local Democracy Agencies, the Ministers’ Deputies, in December 1999, nominated Ambassador Wolf, Permanent Representative of Liechtenstein, as representative of the Committee of Ministers, and Ambassador Rüegg, Permanent Representative of Switzerland, as alternate member, for the constituent meeting of the Association of Local Democracy Agencies held in the same month. Ambassador Rüegg has also participated in the meeting of the subsequently created Provisional Committee of the same Association in February 2000, on whose work he has kept the Deputies informed, including on the prospects of obtaining adequate funding from governmental and non-governmental sources, in the framework of their Rapporteur Group for Democratic Stability (GR-EDS).

The Committee of Ministers will consider its participation in the organs of the Association after the General Assembly of the LDA Association to be held in December 2000."