806th meeting – 4 September 2002
Item 12.1
9th Plenary Session of the CLRAE (Strasbourg, 4-6 June 2002) – Texts adopted
(Compendium of texts adopted)
The Deputies
Concerning Recommendation 109 (2002) on Local and Regional Democracy in Greece
1. took note of Recommendation 109 (2002);
2. agreed to forward it to the governmental and parliamentary authorities of Greece;
3. agreed to bear it in mind in the context of their monitoring of local and regional democracy;
4. agreed to forward Recommendation 109 (2002) to the CDLR, for information;
5. invited the Secretary General to pay attention to Recommendation 109 (2002) when implementing the programmes of assistance and co-operation for democratic stability in the field of local and regional democracy;
6. adopted the following reply to the recommendation:
“The Committee of Ministers considered Recommendation 109 (2002) on Local and Regional Democracy in Greece. It agreed to transmit it to the governmental and parliamentary authorities of Greece and to bear it in mind in the context of its thematic monitoring on local democracy, as well as in its co-operation programmes. The Committee of Ministers also transmitted this recommendation to the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR), for information.”;
Concerning Recommendation 110 (2002) on Local and Regional Democracy in Moldova
7. took note of Recommendation 110 (2002);
8. agreed to forward it to the presidential, governmental and parliamentary authorities of the Republic of Moldova;
9. agreed to bear it in mind in the context of their thematic monitoring of local and regional democracy;
10. agreed to forward it to the Steering Committee for Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR) for information;
11. asked the Secretary General to ensure that the findings of the Congress are duly taken into account when implementing the programme of co-operation concerning the Republic of Moldova;
12. adopted the following reply to the recommendation:
“The Committee of Ministers considered Recommendation 110 (2002) on Local and Regional Democracy in Moldova. It agreed to transmit it to the presidential, governmental and parliamentary authorities of the Republic of Moldova and to bear it in mind in the context of the thematic monitoring on local democracy, as well as in its co-operation programmes and in the framework of the GR-EDS. The Committee of Ministers also transmitted this recommendation to the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR) for information.”;
Concerning Recommendation 111 (2002 ) on women’s individual voting rights: a democratic requirement
13. took note of Recommendation 111 (2002);
14. agreed to forward it to governments of member states;
15. agreed to forward it to the OSCE/ODIHR, drawing attention to paragraph 20;
16. agreed to ask the 5th European Conference of specialised Ministers to have regard to the recommendation in its discussions on the question “Democratisation, conflict prevention and peace-building: the perspectives and the roles of women”;
17. agreed to forward the recommendation to the Venice Commission for information;
18. agreed to assign ad hoc terms of reference to the Steering Committee on Equality between Women and Men (CDEG), as it appears at Appendix 4 to the present volume of Decisions with a view to considering the implementation of a number of activities in its field of competence;
Concerning Recommendation 112 (2002) on the Forums of Cities and Regions of South-East Europe (8th and 9th Economic Forums) - (Istanbul, Turkey, 2 and 3 November 2001 and Novi Sad, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 18-20 April 2002)
19. took note of Recommendation 112 (2002);
20. invited the GREDS to examine various aspects of the recommendation, in particular paragraphs 8 and 9;
21. agreed to forward the recommendation to governments of member states and the European Commission;
22. agreed to forward the recommendation to the Council of Europe Development Bank and the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR) for information;
Concerning Recommendation 113 (2002) on relations between the public, the local assembly and the executive in local democracy (the institutional framework of local democracy)
23. took note of Recommendation 113 (2002);
24. agreed to forward it for information to the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR);
25. agreed to forward it to member governments so that they could take account of Congress conclusions and recommendations, as set out in the recommendation and the Appendix to it, when they have decisions to take regarding the institutional structure of local government;
26. invited its member states, which have not yet done so, to sign and ratify the European Charter of Local Self-Government (ETS No. 122) and the Convention on the Participation of Foreigners in Public Life at Local Level (ETS No. 144), and to take steps to promote the European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Municipal and Regional Life;
27. adopted the following reply to this recommendation:
“The Committee of Ministers took note of CLRAE Recommendation 113 (2002) on relations between the public, the local assembly and the executive in local democracy (the institutional framework of local democracy), transmitted it to the governments of its member states, as well as to the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Democracy for information. It also invited its member states, which have not yet done so, to sign and ratify the European Charter of Local Self-Government (ETS No. 122) and the Convention on the Participation of Foreigners in Public Life at Local Level (ETS No. 144), and to take steps to promote the European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Municipal and Regional Life.”;
Concerning Recommendation 114 (2002) on Local authorities and public utilities
28. took note of Recommendation 114 (2002);
29. agreed to forward it to governments of member states;
30. agreed to forward it to the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament and the European Commission;
31. adopted the following reply to this recommendation:
“The Committee of Ministers took note of CLRAE Recommendation 114 (2002) and transmitted it to the governments of its member states, the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament and the European Commission.”;
Concerning Recommendation 115 (2002) on the participation of foreign residents in local public life: consultative bodies
32. agreed to resume consideration of this recommendation at their next meeting (807th meeting, 11 September 2002);
Concerning Recommendation 116 (2002) on regional democracy in Hungary
33. took note of Recommendation 116 (2002);
34. agreed to forward it to the Hungarian governmental and parliamentary authorities;
35. agreed to bear it in mind in their specific monitoring of local and regional democracy;
36. agreed to forward it also to the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR) for information;
37. invited the Secretary General to take account of this recommendation in the framework of the programmes of co-operation and assistance for democratic stability;
38. adopted the following reply to the recommendation:
“The Committee of Ministers considered Recommendation 116 (2002) on regional democracy in Hungary. It agreed to transmit it to the governmental and parliamentary authorities of Hungary and to bear it in mind in the context of its thematic monitoring on local democracy and of the programmes of co-operation for democratic stability. The Committee of Ministers also transmitted this recommendation to the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR) for information.”;
Concerning Recommendation 117 (2002) on “Promoting transfrontier co-operation: an important factor of democratic stability in Europe”
39. agreed to resume consideration of this recommendation at their next meeting (807th meeting, 11 September 2002);
Concerning Recommendation 118 (2002 ) on regions with legislative powers - Assessment and prospects of the Conferences of Presidents of regions with legislative powers held in Barcelona (2000) and Liege (2001)
40. took note of Recommendation 118 (2002), especially of its paragraph 8;
41. agreed to forward Recommendation 118 (2002) to the European Commission, more particularly drawing its attention to paragraph 9;
42. agreed to forward Recommendation 118 (2002), in particular paragraph 10, to the Convention on the Future of the European Union;
Concerning Recommendation 119 (2002) on the state of regional print media in Europe – Pluralism, independence and freedom in regional press
43. took note of Recommendation 119 (2002);
44. agreed to forward it to the governments of member states and draw their attention in particular to paragraph 14;
45. agreed to forward it to the European Commission and the European Parliament, drawing their attention in particular to paragraphs 16 and 17;
46. agreed to forward this recommendation to the Steering Committee on Mass Media for information;
Concerning Opinion No. 17 (2002) on the second draft World Charter of Local Self-Government
47. took note of Opinion No.17 (2002);
48. agreed to forward it to the member governments and to states with observer status with the Council of Europe (the United States, Canada, Japan and Mexico), asking them to do everything possible to ensure that their representatives to the United Nations pressed for continued drafting of a world charter of local self-government;
Concerning Resolutions 130 to 146 (2002):
49. took note of these Resolutions as a whole.