744th meeting – 7 March 2001

Item 12.6

Participation of Foreign Residents in Local Public Life –
CLRAE Recommendation 76 (2000) - Draft reply
(CM(2000)100 (Rec. 76), CM/Del/Dec(2000)719/12.1, CM(2001)12)



The Deputies adopted the following reply to Recommendation 76 (2000): 

“The Committee of Ministers has examined with much interest Congress Recommendation 76 (2000) on the Participation of Foreign Residents in Local Public Life. A draft Recommendation to member states on the participation of citizens in local public life and its explanatory report as prepared by the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR) has recently been sent by the Committee of Ministers to both the Parliamentary Assembly and the Congress for opinion. 

These documents cover some of the issues dealt with in the Congress Recommendation. 

The Committee of Ministers is confident that the Congress will not fail to contribute further to this issue when delivering its opinion on the draft Recommendation. 

As for the Convention on the Participation of Foreigners in Public Life at Local Level, it has now been signed by 9 member states, 5 of which have ratified it.  The Convention entered into force on 1 May 1997.”