Strasbourg, 13 October 2015











Conference on

“Minority rights in divided societies”


Sarajevo, 15 October 2015


Venue: Hotel Marriot Courtyard, Skenderija 1, Sarajevo










Persons belonging to national minorities in the Western Balkans face a number of important obstacles when it comes to the enjoyment of their rights today, as bias and divisions are still present and noticeable in everyday life. The promotion of integrated and cohesive societies where diversity is respected and encouraged therefore remains a crucial challenge in a process in which international instruments such as the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities play an important role. 

The purpose of this conference is to address the remaining sources of division and develop concrete proposals to overcome them. Participants are invited to actively contribute to discussions on practical and theoretical issues surrounding the role of states, international organisations, civil society, persons belonging to national minorities and others in promoting the protection of minority rights in diverse and integrated societies.



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9:00 – 9:30Registration

9:30 – 9:45Opening

Semiha Borovac, Minister for Human Rights and Refugees, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mary-Ann Hennessy, Head of Council of Europe Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina


9:45 – 10:00Key-note address

Francesco Palermo, President of the Advisory Committee

Implementation of the Framework Convention in divided societies


10:00 – 11:30Panel I: Minority rights in divided societies: opportunities and challenges


Chair: Petra Roter, Vice President of the Advisory Committee


Panelists: María Ochoa-Llido, Head of Anti-Discrimination and Social Cohesion Department, Council of Europe

Council of Europe tools for the promotion of minority rights


Christine Hirst, Chief Communities Section, OSCE Mission in Kosovo

Communities’ rights in a post-conflict context


Jan Snaidauf, Head of Political and Economic Section, Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina

EU approaches for the protection of minorities and social inclusion


Claude Cahn, United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

The United Nations Human Rights Protection System and minorities: recent developments and good practices


11:30 – 11:45Coffee

11:45 – 13:15Panel II: Promoting the enjoyment of minority rights in the Western Balkans

Chair:Antonija Petričušić, Additional member of the Advisory Committee in respect of Croatia


Panelists:Jens Woelk, Associate Professor, School of International Studies, University of Trento

Models of statehood and their consequence for the promotion of minority rights


Denisa Sarajlić Maglić, President of the Board – Foreign Policy Initiative BH

The role of the international community in minority rights protection in the Western Balkans


Aleš Balut, Senior Political Advisor, Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Access to rights of returnees


Jakob Finci, President of the Jewish Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Fighting discrimination through legal means: a personal story



13:15 – 14:30 Buffet lunch





14:30 – 16:00Panel III: From division to inclusion through minority rights


Chair:Ivana Jelić, Second Vice President of the Advisory Committee


Panelists:Neven Anđelić, Member of the Advisory Committee in respect of Bosnia and Herzegovina

When the majority becomes a minority


Dervo Sejdić, Vice President of NGO Kali Sara Roma Information Centre

Roma inclusion in the Western Balkans


Brigitta Busch, Member of the Advisory Committee in respect of Austria

Language as a factor of inclusion or exclusion


Steinar Bryn, Senior Advisor, Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue, Norway Reconciliation and the promotion of inter-cultural dialogue


General discussion


16:00 – 16:15Final remarks and conclusion

Francesco Palermo, President of the Advisory Committee

