

Strasbourg, 26 May 2015                           







Reply to the Working Group Questionnaire on the Revision of the Council of Europe’s Social Cohesion Strategy and Action Plan - Compilation of national replies









How should the Council of Europe’s Social Cohesion Strategy be revised?

Member state




  1. Do you think it useful at this stage to revise the Council of Europe’s Social Cohesion Strategy of 2010?






  1. The revised Strategy will continue to be based on the four guiding principles defined by the New Strategy of 2010, namely:


  1. reinvesting in social rights and a cohesive society;
  2. building a Europe of responsibilities that are both shared and social;
  3. strengthening representation and democratic decision-making and expanding social dialogue and civic engagement;
  4. building a secure future for all.







  1. The revised Strategy will affirm an explicit link with the Turin Process and the European Social Charter, social rights, civil rights and the issue of the effectiveness of rights being central to the achievement of social cohesion.



YES in relation to the Charter. Would welcome clarification on what operational conclusions have been agreed for the ‘Turin process’ and what formal status it has.



  1. The revised Strategy will be able to rely on the assistance of the Council of Europe Development Bank.






  1. The Strategy will be a mere updating of the previous strategy (updating of the 2010 Strategy and the Action Plan).







  1. OR the Strategy will undergo comprehensive revision (complete rewriting of the 2010 Strategy and the Action Plan) bringing it into line with the timetable of the strategies that already exist or are being drawn up by the subordinate committees.






  1. The revised Strategy will be a short and precise policy document focused on a few major priorities for action, and will express member states’ commitment.





Possible priorities might be:


  • Ensure a minimum income for all
  • Promote social dialogue and civic engagement
  • Build links with the democratic/ political process at national and regional/local levels
  • Identify innovative approaches to provide access to essential services for vulnerable groups
  • Ensure full legal recognition of equality for LGBTI people
  • Focus on inclusion measures to improve outcomes for and engagement with minority communities such as Roma and Traveller communities
  • Promote social inclusion of people with disabilities to encourage and facilitate equal opportunities for full participation in society.




  1. The revised Strategy will have a tangible link up with the European Union’s Europe 2020 Strategy.








  1. Evaluation of the SPIRAL process will be carried out and included in the revised Strategy.



Not sure what this refers to.



  1. The Strategy will cover a five-year period.







  1. The revised Strategy will be the subject of a communication policy put in place at the highest level.







  1. The revised Strategy will be the subject of an annual progress report to the Committee of Ministers drawn up by the CDDECS on the basis of member states’ contributions.








  1. A ministerial conference to take stock of implementation of the revised Strategy will be held at the beginning, halfway stage and end of the Strategy.







  1. Other suggestions:


The revision should focus on where the Council of Europe Social Cohesion Strategy and Action Plan can bring added value to the existing efforts of member states and the European Union to tackle poverty and to avoid duplication of effort and reporting.