Project on Strengthening and Protecting Women’s and Children’s Rights in Ukraine (TRES)[1]




Global Project on Cybercrime 2[2]






Version 26 November 2010




Regional workshop


Protecting children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse through Internet[3]




Hotel “Rus”

Hospital St. 4, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine


7-8 December 2010










































  For any additional information please contact:

Isabelle Imbs

Project Assistant/Strasbourg

Judicial Co-operation, Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Unit

Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs

Council of Europe

Tel.: +33 3 90 21 56 54

e-mail: [email protected]


Tetyana Kulykovska 

Project Officer/Kyiv

Tel.: +380 44 498 12 03

Mob. : +380 93 087 52 57

e-mail: [email protected]

Gaëlle Jovanovski

Department of Information Society and Action against Crime

Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs

Council of Europe

F-67075 STRASBOURG Cedex

Tel.: +33 3 90 21 56 78

Email: [email protected]



Fostering children’s trust and confidence in the Internet together with the protection of their dignity, security and privacy is a priority for the Council of Europe.  The Internet is a space of freedom to express and communicate, to search for information and to learn, to work and to play. Access to the Internet thus offers great potential for children to exercise and enjoy their rights and values through the Internet.


At the same time, threats such as cybercrime and the sexual exploitation and abuse of children through information and communication technologies pose particular challenges. The Council of Europe is addressing these by setting common standards and policies, by supporting educational, preventive and other measures to empower children, by promoting criminal justice action and by strengthening multi-stakeholder and international cooperation.


With regard to criminal measures the standards of reference are relevant provisions of the Convention on Cybercrime – CETS 185 (article 9 on child pornography) and the substantive law provisions of the Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (CETS 201).


Within the Project on Cybercrime a global study on the measures taken by countries to criminalise conduct related to the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, including child pornography is carrying out[4].


In order to allow sharing good practices and encourage implementation of these treaties by taking into account also the result of the study and facilitate cooperation among countries with the aim of protecting children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse in the online environment, the Council of Europe is organizing a regional workshop.


The event is organised in cooperation with the Project on Strengthening and Protecting Women’s and Children’s Rights (TRES) in Ukraine, which has among its objectives to assist Ukrainian authorities in the revision and reform of the legal framework, policy and practice for dealing with sexual exploitation and abuse of children in line with the standards of the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (CETS 201).


To promote criminal law measures aimed at the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse in line with the standards of the Council of Europe, namely Convention on Cybercrime (CETS 185) and the Convention on the Protection of Children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (CETS 201).


The workshop will particularly focus on:




Expected results


The workshop will gather participants from public and private sectors as well as international organisation and NGOs involved in the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse.


Two participants from each of the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Russian Federation will be funded from the workshop budget, but countries are welcome to nominate additional experts to participate at their own cost. Ukraine, as a host country, will be represented by a larger number of experts.


Nominees should be:


All nominees should be familiar with or involved in:


Participants are required to actively participate in the discussions and prepare a short report on the measures taken by the country and the status of legislation with regard to these issues.


Draft Agenda

Tuesday – 7 December 2010



8h00 – 8h45




Opening session 

9h00 – 9h45

Opening remarks by


  • European Union Delegation
  • Council of Europe (Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe in Ukraine)
  • Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
  • Ministry of Interior of Ukraine
  • Ministry of Ukraine for Family, Youth and Sports


Session 1: Promoting Safer Internet for Children



9h45 – 13h00





Coffee break



  • Policy frameworks promoting a safer Internet for children (15 min each presentation)


  • Council of Europe: The EU/CoE Joint Project on Strengthening and Protecting Women’s and Children’s Rights in Ukraine (Tetyana Kulykovska, Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine)
  • Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre (Gabrielle Shaw, Head of International & Relations
  • ICMEC (Sandra S. Marchenko, Director, Koons Family Institute on International Law & Policy, at the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children)
  • European Commission (Michael Bush, Administrator, eContent&Safer Internet, DG Information Society and Media)
  • ECPAT (Olha SHVED: Associate for CIS Region/ECPAT)
  • European NGO Alliance for Child Safety Online (eNACSO) (John Carr)
  • Interpol (Uri Sadeh Project Manager  - ICSE DB development, Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Trafficking in Human Beings Sub-Directorate)
  • OECD ((Laurent Bernat, Policy Analyst, Information, Computer, and Communications Policy Division, OECD, France)
  • La Strada Ukraine (Natalia Bochkor, Director of Department for research and methodical work, Coordinator of eHelpline as to counteracting child pornography)
  • Microsoft (Jean Christophe Le Toquin, Director, Digital Crimes Unit and Courtney Zukoski, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility & Academic Programs at Microsoft Ukraine)


  • Discussion


Moderators: Ukraine/Cristina Schulman, Council of Europe 


13h00 – 14h00




Session 2:  Investigating online sexual abuse of children: Which are the challenges?


14h00 – 18h00








Coffee break



  • Issues preventing effective investigations (30 min)
    • Sergio Staro, Senior Police Officer of the Computer Crime Unit and Head of the International and Relationships of the Postal and Communications Police Service, National Police, Italy(tbc)


  • Investigative techniques (30 min)
    • Tool review and victim identification (Uri Sadeh, Interpol)


  • Child pornography/abuse materials in the Internet: Take down or access blocking? (30 min)
    • John Carr, eNACSO


  • Training needs for professionals working to protect children from sexual abuse (30 min)
    • Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre (Gabrielle Shaw, Head of International & Relations


  • What role for the private sector in the prevention and fighting against sexual exploitation and abuse of children? (30 min)
    • Jean Christophe Le Toquin, Director, Digital Crimes Unit, Microsoft


  • Challenges in collecting and securing electronic evidence - Round table discussion with the participants from:


  • Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine


Moderators: Jean Christophe Le Toquin and John Carr



End of day  


Wednesday – 8 December 2010 


Session 3: Criminalizing sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children (Part I)


9h00 – 12h30





Coffee break




  • Council of Europe approach on protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse on internet: What legislative or other measures to be taken?  (20 min)
    • Cristina Schulman, Head of Cybercrime Unit, Council of Europe


  • Model Legislation&Global Review (20 min)
    • Sandra S. Marchenko, ICMEC


  • Progress made by Ukraine on the ratification and implementation of the Council of Europe Conventions on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (20 min)
  • Ministry of Justice of Ukraine


  • Analysing the existing or draft legislation in view of complying with the international standards
    • Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine


Moderators: Cristina Schulman and Sandra S. Marchenko

12h30 – 14h00



Session 3: Criminalizing sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children (Part II)


14h00 – 16h15


Coffee break


  • Analysing the existing legislation or draft legislation in view of complying with the international standards (continued)


  • Drafting the recommendations for further steps by each delegation


Session 4: Conclusions and recommendations for further steps 



16.30 – 17.30

  • Reports presented by:
    • Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine 


Closing session



  • Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
  • Jean Christophe Le Toquin, Microsoft
  • Cristina Schulman, Council of Europe




[1] Project is co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and is implemented by the Council of Europe (

[2] Project funded by contributions from Estonia, Monaco, Romania, Microsoft and McAfee and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe  (

[3] With the support of Microsoft through the Global Project on Cybercrime of the Council of Europe


[4] See