

Strasbourg, 12 May 2015

CDDECS (2015)9








Summary of the Member States’ replies to the Working group questionnaire on the Revision of the Council of Europe’s Social Cohesion Strategy and Action Plan










How should the Council of Europe’s Social Cohesion Strategy be revised?




Total replies 22

Number of YES



Number of NO




  1. Do you think it useful at this stage to revise the Council of Europe’s Social Cohesion Strategy of 2010?



Suisse :

conformément aux conclusions du groupe de travail.




No. The Strategy should be merely reviewed, as the current ToR of the CDDECS are valid until the end of 2015 and thus do not permit a full revision of the Strategy. It would thus be advisable to attempt to finalise the review by the end of the mandate period without taking on further commitments.


Czech Republic

The principles of the New Strategy  and Action Plan social cohesion, goals and  initiatives

have been already sufficiently defined. Only an updating of them has been recommended.


  1. The revised Strategy will continue to be based on the four guiding principles defined by the New Strategy of 2010, namely:


  1. reinvesting in social rights and a cohesive society;
  2. building a Europe of responsibilities that are both shared and social;
  3. strengthening representation and democratic decision-making and expanding social dialogue and civic engagement;
  4. building a secure future for all.




If a revision takes place, unnecessary to define new principles.


Moldova :

With small revision of core elements:

1.building a cohesive society based on human rights and reinvestment in social rights;

2.building a Europe of individual, group and collective responsibilities, that are both shared and socially oriented;

3.strengthening representation and democratic decision-making and expanding social dialogue and civic engagement;

4.building a secure future for all, based on ethics, moral principles, individual and collective responsibility, public and private commitment.


The Netherlands :

These four guiding principles seem valid for the next years too.





If not, on what principles should it be based?


Denmark :

The guiding principles should reflect the principles and aims laid out in the CoE Programme and Budget. It would furthermore be of value to take into account the work and strategies of the subordinate committees.


Lithuania :

See question N° 14 “Other suggestions”


Suisse :

Non, une fois la révision de la stratégie décidée, il faut – comme proposé par le groupe de travail dans l’une de ses variantes –mandater un expert externe pour identifier les nouvelles problématiques ou nouveaux défis qui se posent à l’heure actuelle en Europe en matière de cohésion sociale et élaborer un premier projet de stratégie avec quelques lignes d’action prioritaires (comme proposé dans l’énoncé de la question 7 ci-dessous).


France :

les principes directeurs doivent être redéfinis en termes opérationnels et compréhensibles par tous.


  1. The revised Strategy will affirm an explicit link with the Turin Process and the European Social Charter, social rights, civil rights and the issue of the effectiveness of rights being central to the achievement of social cohesion.




Lithuania :

Yes, but “social cohesion” – not the last words in this context. Social rights as such are at the centre of Charter therefore the Strategy (and CDDECS) shall have its own role in the Turin process, to avoid normative aspect.


The Netherlands :

Yes, priority in the Turin process should be given to the ratification by member states (who haven’t done this so far) of the Revised Social Charter and of the Collective Complaints Protocol of the Charter.

However, the Netherlands wants  to make a scrutiny reservation regarding specific elements of the “Turin Process’ (as laid down in the Brussels Document, February 2015), such as the proposed upgrading of the status of the European Commission of Social Rights and the accession  of the European Union to the Revised Social Charter.


Suisse :

Plutôt OUI, en tous les cas se baser sur les droits sociaux et l’accès effectif à ceux-ci.

(pro memoria, la Suisse n’est pas partie à la Charte)








  1. The revised Strategy will be able to rely on the assistance of the Council of Europe Development Bank.



The Netherlands :

Yes. Whether the revised Strategy can rely on the assistance of the Council of Europe Development Bank is up to the EDB itself to decide.



Suisse :

Pas d’avis. Si le document est stratégique, je ne vois pas quelle forme pourrait prendre le concours de la Banque d’investissement du CdE.



  1. The Strategy will be a mere updating of the previous strategy (updating of the 2010 Strategy and the Action Plan).





Moldova : A New Strategy and Action plan should be elaborated to respond to present needs and future requirements, based on in depth analysis, social cohesion remaining a core principle.




  1. OR the Strategy will undergo comprehensive revision (complete rewriting of the 2010 Strategy and the Action Plan) bringing it into line with the timetable of the strategies that already exist or are being drawn up by the subordinate committees.




Belgique : Oui, mais le CDDECS doit établir sa propre stratégie en matière de cohésion sociale sans que celle-ci ne se résume à une compilation des stratégies des comités subordonnés


Croatia :

especially Action plan


Moldova : Basic, tangible elements of other strategies included.



Especially Action Plan





Suisse :

NON.  Réponse aux questions 5 et 6 : Je propose un tout nouveau texte, plus court, plus percutant, qui se rapprocherait plutôt de la stratégie de cohésion sociale de 2004 ; la nouvelle stratégie ne devrait pas être alignée sur d’autres stratégies, mais porter spécifiquement sur la cohésion sociale. Par ailleurs, un document stratégique suffit, il n’est pas nécessaire de l’assortir d’un plan d’action, car le plan d’action actuel n’a jamais été opérationnel.

  1. The revised Strategy will be a short and precise policy document focused on a few major priorities for action, and will express member states’ commitment.




If so, what should those priorities for action be?


Azerbaijan :

The Revised Strategy will be a short and precise policy document focused on a few major priorities for action and will express member states’ commitment.

Those priorities for action are:

Social protection

Social services




Belgique :

Oui, en prenant en compte les 4 principes directeurs mentionnés à la question 2, déclinés en actions concrètes pour chaque partie (Conseil de l’Europe, Etat membre, …)


Croatia :

If so, what should those priorities for action be?

  • Fight against poverty and social exclusion
  • Social justice
  • Fight against discrimination
  • Raising awareness

Establishing good coordination


Cyprus :

If so, what should those priorities for action be?

-To reduce the number of people living be    low national poverty lines

-To raise the employment rate of the population

-To improve the business environment, especially for SMEs, and to support the development of a strong and sustainable industrial base.

-To modernise labour markets and facilitate the development of skills throughout the lifecycle with a view to better matching labour supply and demand.


Denmark :

The priorities should take into account the work carried out in the subordinate committees



Yes. If so, what should those priorities for action be?

Preventing and combatting violence and discrimination

Promoting social cohesion - economic, social and territorial cohesion

Reducing risk of poverty and social exclusion


Lithuania :

See question N° 14 “Other suggestions”


Moldova :

Social cohesion, socially oriented goals, social responsibility - individual and collective, responsibility of central and local authorities for results, promoting individual and collective contributivity, fighting

corruptibility,  accountability,

social and financial ethics and morality,  

respect for human rights, human dignity, for personality  and humanity, equality of rights, combating discrimination, exclusion and marginalisation; protection of vulnerable populations –children, persons with disabilities, minority groups, refugees, migrants, displaced, marginalised, minorities, women, young people, elderly, etc.;

Collective responsibility of member states for maintaining peace, stability and well-being of each individual in a welfare, based on law, state.


Slovenia :

Reinvesting in social rights and a cohesive society

Access to the health services for all

Strengthening decision-making and expanding civil engagement

Providing a secure future for all member states


Suisse :

A déterminer par l’expert externe (cf. plus haut)



  • Fight against poverty and social exclusion
  • Fight against discrimination
  • Establishing good coordination



  • Justice sociale
  • Lutte contre les discriminations
  • Lutte contre lexclusion sociale et la pauvreté



  • Poverty eradication and social exclusion
  • Promote social justice, social inclusion and social protection
  • Fight against discrimination on all grounds
  • Governance


San Marino

  • Standard of life
  • Promote individual e family respect for participate in the Society
  • Accept every culture, religion, etc.
  • Identity



  • Promoting dignity of persons
  • Non-discrimination
  • Access to social rights, including avoiding stigmatisation and giving special attention to the needs of vulnerable members of society




The Netherlands :

No. In the Netherlands we are already engaged in and working on a comprehensive national action plan, the so called ‘The National Human Rights Action Plan’.


  1. The revised Strategy will have a tangible link up with the European Union’s Europe 2020 Strategy.





Yes. It is hard to describe such link: maybe, because of fight against poverty, but more emphasis on aspects within CoE.


The Netherlands:

Yes. However we do not support any obligation to report on the Social Cohesion Strategy within the framework of the Europe 2020 Strategy.



Suisse :

NON. Les thèmes seront certainement parfois semblables (par ex. lutte contre la pauvreté) mais sur le principe, non, car les Etats membres du CdE ne sont pas tous membres de l’UE…


  1. Evaluation of the SPIRAL process will be carried out and included in the revised Strategy.




Belgique :

Oui, car ce processus est particulièrement intéressant en termes de méthodologie et de participation




Suisse :

NON. Je ne connais pas suffisamment ce processus.


  1. The Strategy will cover a five-year period.





If not, how frequently should it be revised?



No. As indicated under question 1, the review should preferably take place within the current mandate period of the CDDECS.


Suisse :

Je propose de ne pas fixer de périodicité pour ne pas être liés par une date butoir. Si les circonstances changent beaucoup et nécessitent une adaptation de la stratégie, il "suffira" de faire figurer cette tâche dans le mandat du CDDECS (qui est désormais adapté tous les 2 ans).


Romania :

If the Strategy will have a tangible link with the European Union’s Strategy, then it will have to cover the period up to 2020, to be in line with the Europe 2020 Strategy.

San Marino

3 years is enough because the time running so quickly



  1. The revised Strategy will be the subject of a communication policy put in place at the highest level.





The Netherlands:

See answer question 7


Suisse : Pas d’avis



  1. The revised Strategy will be the subject of an annual progress report to the Committee of Ministers drawn up by the CDDECS on the basis of member states’ contributions.




Belgique :

Oui, sur la base des actions à mener, par le biais d’un reportage annuel concis (actions réalisées) et d’un rapport de suivi à mi-parcours et final



Suisse :

Il ne faut en aucun cas créer de nouvelles obligations pour les Etats membres (type reporting, même soft).




  1. A ministerial conference to take stock of implementation of the revised Strategy will be held at the beginning, halfway stage and end of the Strategy.






The Netherlands:

No. Three conferences seem too much.


Suisse :

NON, pas nécessairement. Une conférence à haut niveau ou même technique est plus facile à organiser et à préparer tant au plan du CdE qu’au plan national qu’une conférence ministérielle.


  1. Other suggestions:



Comme le préconise la note de support sur la révision de la Stratégie, l’ambition politique de cohésion sociale doit être réaffirmée avec force, particulièrement en ces temps de crise et de régression des acquis sociaux, à la fois  par le Conseil de l’Europe et  par ses Etats membres.

Les droits sociaux et les droits civils de même que l’effectivité de ces droits doivent rester au centre de l’engagement du Conseil de l’Europe et des Etats membres à la réalisation de la cohésion sociale, comme par ailleurs souligné dans le Processus de Turin.




-Clear definition of measures and targets the Action Plan aims to achieve

-Ensuring the conditions for a successful fight against poverty and social exclusion and for reducing inequalities in the society (strategic areas: education and lifelong learning; employment and access to employment; housing and the availability of energy; access to social benefits and services; access to the healthcare system; care for the elderly; fight against indebtedness and financial independence; balanced regional development).

-Ensuring the conditions for providing high-quality and accessible services (for children from the earliest age/preschool services, extracurricular activities, primary and secondary-school education, incentives for higher education and lifelong learning) as well as ensuring high-quality and accessible social services for all citizens (social welfare, health care, education);  developing innovative programmes in all fields

-Ensuring the conditions for Integration of migrants

-Creating opportunities for raising the employment rate of working-age persons and the employability of disadvantaged groups;

-Ensuring the conditions for housing and environmental policy development (ensuring affordable apartments for the youth and the socially endangered, protecting the real estate in which a person lives…)

-Establishing good coordination and cooperation at all levels for the purpose of harmonising policies and establishing a data collection and exchange system

-The Strategy will have a tangible link with the Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy 2014-2017 and EC Strategy for equality between women and men 2016 -2020.


Suggestion of principles, which have to be observed in the Strategy


-multidimensional approach

-solidarity and the principle of non-stigmatisation

-subsidiarity principle

-using Methodological guide of social cohesion indicators to set possible measurable indicators  of activities and measures in the Action Plan

-synergetic participation of all stakeholders in Strategy preparation and implementation,

-innovative social policy approach

-Ensuring quality analysis and research for enabling the monitoring and evaluation of implementation measures to serve as a foundation for the adoption of strategic decisions and policy making in accordance with the European and global standards.  




The same working group or the newly established one should tackle a total revision of the Strategy process.

Invitation of one independent expert for input into the process could be considered.


Extended reply to questions 2 and 7:

A suggestion could be to use proposals (as very initial ones) of MS collected during drafting of CDDECS WP 2014-2015, for instance, further elaboration and development of the following topics like:

-Societies’ ability to access to economic and social rights

-Promote the well-being and empowerment of families

-Young people and their integration into society

-Social security as the guarantee for the stability and cohesion of societies

Or we can count on very general goals to be elaborated as well:

-Reduction of disparities, inequalities and social exclusion;

-Strengthening of social relations, interactions and links.

Final remark: principles / priorities should be more concrete, targeted. Strategy EU2020 is a good example. Member States shall have a background for real actions.




I will join with pleasure the Working Group to work on future Strategy and Action Plan.




Close cooperation and coordination with Education and Youth Section of CoE.



Clear definition of measures and targets the Action Plan aims to achieve

-Ensuring the conditions for a successful fight against poverty and social exclusion and for reducing inequalities in the society (strategic areas: education and lifelong learning; employment and access to employment; housing and the availability of energy; access to social benefits and services; access to the healthcare system; care for the elderly; fight against indebtedness and financial independence; balanced regional development).

-Ensuring the conditions for providing high-quality and accessible services (for children from the earliest age/preschool services, extracurricular activities, primary and secondary-school education, incentives for higher education and lifelong learning) as well as ensuring high-quality and accessible social services for all citizens (social welfare, health care, education);  developing innovative programmes in all fields

-Ensuring the conditions for Integration of migrants

-Creating opportunities for raising the employment rate of working-age persons and the employability of disadvantaged groups;

-Ensuring the conditions for housing and environmental policy development (ensuring affordable apartments for the youth and the socially endangered, protecting the real estate in which a person lives…)

-Establishing good coordination and cooperation at all levels for the purpose of harmonising policies and establishing a data collection and exchange system

-The Strategy will have a tangible link with the Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy 2014-2017 and EC Strategy for equality between women and men 2016 -2020.


Suggestion of principles, which have to be observed in the Strategy


-multidimensional approach

-solidarity and the principle of non-stigmatisation

-subsidiarity principle

-using Methodological guide of social cohesion indicators to set possible measurable indicators  of activities and measures in the Action Plan

-synergetic participation of all stakeholders in Strategy preparation and implementation,

-innovative social policy approach

-Ensuring quality analysis and research for enabling the monitoring and evaluation of implementation measures to serve as a foundation for the adoption of strategic decisions and policy making in accordance with the European and global standards.  



  • definition of clear objectives and measurable and clear targets and indicators to achieve (sex-disaggregated data)


  • active engagement of all relevant stakeholders


  • strong mechanism of monitoring will be essential for the success of the Strategy


  • Link with national, international and European strategies/agendas (UN: Post-2015 Agenda/SDG’s; EU: Europe 2020; EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020; Strategy for equality between women and men 2016-2020; National Strategies on Roma (EU countries); etc.)


San Marino

  • definition of clear objectives and clear targets and indicators to achieve (sex-disaggregated data)


  • active engagement of all relevant stakeholders in different responsibility


  • detail mechanism of monitoring will be essential for the success of the Strategy (search the important things to observe)


  • Link with national, international and European strategies/agendas (UN: Post-2015 Agenda/SDG’s; EU: Europe 2020; EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020; Strategy for equality between women and men 2016-2020; National Strategies on Roma (EU countries); etc.)