
Strasbourg, 13 November 2014CDDECS (2014) 16










Program of Action 2014-2015









1.      Operational framework within the Council of Europe

The Council of Europe Programme and Budget for the biennium 2014-2015 (Program), adopted by the Committee of Ministers at the end of November 2013, was prepared on the basis of the Secretary General’s (SG) proposals presented in document CM(2013)47rev.


In the Program four focal areas were identified, out of which two are relevant for the work of the CDDECS, namely


In the field of promoting human rights, under which the CDDECS is situated, specific priorities are


2.      The aim of the CDDECS’ work

According to its terms of reference, the aim of the work done by the CDDECS is to


These are to be achieved by contributing to the promotion of solidarity and the protection of human dignity, equality and equal opportunities for all, and the prevention and combatting of violence and discrimination on any grounds.


3.      SG report on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law in Europe and its follow-up

In May 2014 the Secretary General (SG) of the Council of Europe published his first annual report on the state of democracy, human rights and rule of law in Europe[1]. The report provided analysis of the current situation in Europe but it also examined the Council of Europe’s capacity to assist member States in complying with the standards deriving from the European Convention on Human Rights. In order to better ensure access to all human rights by all persons living in the member States, and especially in the times of economic difficulties, the States must fully re-commit themselves to the CoE human rights standards, including the recommendations made by its various monitoring mechanisms.

In July 2014 the SG presented a follow-up document to the report with a list of challenges, recommendations and proposed actions for all organs of the CoE and member States to work on[2]. In particular SG requested everyone to respond to the shortcomings identified by the monitoring mechanisms.

In this document the Secretariat has included in the same table

In addition, the relevant recommendations from the SG’s follow-up document are added for information (Column 5).

  1. Exchange of views in the meetings of the CDDECS in 2015

In the survey on work programme priorities (question #6) 31 proposals were made for exchange of views in the future CDDECS meetings (see. Working paper):










(*this category was not included in the survey)


  1. Terms of reference
  1. Expected results
  1. Work Programme
  1. Actions proposed by member States
  1. SG’s recommendations for information

Contribute, promote and support to the implementation of standards, in particular through the promotion of the relevant Council of Europe conventions

Relevant European conventions are promoted and their implementation is enhanced.


Conventions include

  • the European Code of Social Security (ETS No. 48),


  • the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ETS No. 148),


  • the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (ETS No. 157),


  • the Revised European Social Charter (CETS No. 163),


  • the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (CETS No. 197),


  • the Convention on the protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (CETS No. 201),


  • the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (CETS No. 210).

Promote the implementation of the relevant CoE standards in practice on national and local level.











Identify core obstacles, main concerns and success stories in the implementation of the relevant CoE legal standards.




Ratify the Lanzarote Convention;


Ratify the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention);


Ratify Protocol No. 12 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,


Ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities


Ratify the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages;


Fully implement the obligations under these conventions and ensure a proper follow-up to the Committee of Ministers’ Resolutions;


Ratify the Revised Social Charter and the Additional Protocol providing for a system of collective complaints;


Fully implement the accepted provisions of the Charter and follow up the findings of the European Committee of Social Rights;


Contribute, promote and support the work carried out by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI),



Coordinate with and consult all relevant bodies within the CoE to identify the areas where the CDDECS can provide long term added value for the inter-governmental work of the Council of Europe in the fields of social cohesion, human dignity, equality and anti-discrimination.



Reinforce equality authorities in member States;


Support States in the exchange of good practice to address the problems highlighted by monitoring mechanisms, taking into account the activities of other international organisations, in particular the European Union, the United Nations and the OSCE;


Prepare thematic collections of the recommendations, opinions and findings given to all MS by the relevant monitoring mechanisms of the CoE, the CM and the Commissioner for Human Rights in their latest evaluation rounds.








Develop a common database of the said recommendations, opinions and findings.






Prepare a comprehensive web-site for CDDECS to allow availability of all the relevant materials and easy access to other related web-sites, such as databases of other international organisations in the fields of activities under the CDDECS’ mandate.




Carry out, at regular intervals, within the limits of the available resources and bearing in mind its priorities[3], an examination of some or all of the Conventions for which it has been given responsibility.


Carry out an examination of the Conventions for which the CDDECS has been given responsibility, as set out in Appendix 1 of its Terms of Reference.




Contribute, in co-operation, where appropriate, with other competent steering committees and the relevant convention-based bodies to the examination of other Conventions that are relevant for the performance of the CDDECS’ tasks



Contribute to the examination of the other relevant conventions.




Report back to the Committee of Ministers.


Draw the attention of the CM to the main concerns and other time-relevant developments (as identified in the identification processes below) in the areas of responsibilities of the CDDECS.













  1. Terms of reference
  1. Expected results
  1. Work Programme
  1. Actions proposed by member States
  1. SG’s recommendations for information

Oversee, promote and review the implementation of the Council of Europe Strategy and Action Plan for Social Cohesion (2010)


Council of Europe Strategy and Action Plan for Social Cohesion (2010) are reviewed in 2015 by the Committee


Review the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan in 2015, drawing from the discussions in the CDDECS and in the conference on social cohesion in Baku (Azerbaijan) on 10-11 September 2014.




Develop appropriate tools to promote social cohesion

Council of Europe Strategy and Action Plan for Social Cohesion (2010) are implemented by member States


Prepare thematic collections on access to economic and social rights by all.










Ensure the equal application of human rights standards to LGBT persons in all Council of Europe member States;


Combat stereotyping, discrimination and hate crime motivated by sexual orientation and gender identity;


Develop appropriate tools to combat discrimination, marginalisation, social exclusion and poverty.


Council of Europe standards against violence and discrimination on any ground are promoted and implemented by MS.


Prepare thematic collections on Discrimination and stereotypes on any ground.


Promote positive, non-stereotyped images of women and men.



Prepare thematic collections on multiple Discrimination.



Take active part in the No Hate Speech Campaign of the Council of Europe.



Prepare thematic collections on  abuse of persons in institutionalised settings, including children, elderly, persons with disabilities, national and linguistic minorities, LGBTI persons and migrants






Prepare thematic collections on violence against men, elderly, LGBTI persons, national and linguistic minorities and migrants.






Prepare thematic collections on violence against women, children  and persons with disabilities (see below)






Prepare thematic collections on access to justice of victims of violence and discrimination




Develop appropriate tools to foster social justice and the social inclusion of vulnerable groups including migrants


Council of Europe Strategy and Action Plan for Social Cohesion (2010) are promoted .


Develop a common document on various studies and guidelines on the effects of austerity measures on the most vulnerable members of the society.






Prepare thematic collections on social inclusion of all persons, and in specific of all persons in vulnerable situations, including migrants.



Share good practices and set measures to ensure freedom of assembly and freedom of expression for LGBT persons.

Develop appropriate tools to promote social protection, including its health dimension



Prepare thematic collection on social protection.



Develop appropriate tools to support the families



Prepare thematic collection on youth unemployment.




Develop appropriate tools to enlarge the provision of social and health care services



Prepare thematic collection on social and health care services.




Carry out  any further tasks on the basis of decisions that may be taken by the Committee of Ministers






Carry out tasks with regard to the preparation and follow-up of Council of Europe conferences of ministers responsible for issues falling within its competence, in line with Resolution CM/Res(2011)7 on Council of Europe conferences of specialised ministers;

the 3rd Conference of Ministers responsible for Social Cohesion (Baku, 2015) adopts a political declaration that will serve as a major guideline for future social cohesion policies;[4]

Review the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan in 2015, drawing from the discussions in the CDDECS, in the conference on social cohesion on 10-11 September 2014 and in the possible Conference of Ministers for Social Cohesion in 2015, both in

Baku (Azerbaijan).













  1. Terms of reference
  1. Expected results
  1. Work Programme
  1. Actions proposed by member States
  1. SG’s recommendations for information

Support  the implementation of the Gender Equality transversal programme, specifically by promoting and keeping under review the mainstreaming of a gender perspective in the work of the Organisation;

The Council of Europe Strategy for Gender Equality 2014-2017 is promoted.


Promote and review the mainstreaming of gender perspectives within the CoE






Prepare thematic collection on gender equality.






Prepare thematic collection on gender mainstreaming.




Assist  in the implementation of the Council of Europe Strategy for Gender Equality 2014-2017

The Council of Europe Strategy for Gender Equality 2014-2017  is implemented by member States.


Supervise and support the work of DECS-GEC, especially in its task to assist in the implementation of the CoE Strategy for Gender Equality 2014-2017.




Promote measures  to prevent and combat all forms of violence against women

Supervision is ensured in particular of activities aimed at reducing all forms of violence against women and domestic violence in the member States.


Promote dissemination of the work and studies on the Istanbul Convention including on awareness raising, prevention, work with perpetrators (examples from the member states and resources available).






Prepare thematic collection on all forms of violence against women.



Apply zero tolerance to violence against women and domestic violence.


Promote measures  to protect and support the victims


Exchange of good practices on gender equality are promoted .


Promote dissemination of the collection of good practices from the member States regarding access to justice for women victims of violence compiled in the framework of the activities under the Gender Equality Strategy.



Ensure women’s equal access to justice.




Prepare thematic collection on access to justice by women, and by women victims of violence in specific.















  1. Terms of reference
  1. Expected results
  1. Work Programme
  1. Actions proposed by member States
  1. SG’s recommendations for information

Support the implementation of the transversal programme “Building a Europe for and with Children”


Prepare thematic collection on rights of the child in general.



Support the implementation of the Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child 2012-2015;

The Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child 2012-2015 is promoted and implemented by member States.






Member States share experiences and examples of good practice on positive parenting.





Member States share experiences and examples of good practice on provision of social and health care services to children and families;

Prepare collection of good practices in the MS on how to

  1. ensure child friendly health care in line with the Council of Europe Guidelines on child friendly health care,
  2. ensure child friendly social services in line with the Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec(2011)12 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on children’s rights and social services friendly to children and families.



Build public services to ensure effective, child-sensitive justice, and social and health services to all children.

Promote measures to prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against children and


Member States are supported in developing comprehensive and coherent strategies to eliminate violence against children.

Prepare thematic collection on the violence against and abuse of children.




Promote measures  to protect and support child victims of violence;



Explore how instruments effectively contribute to protecting and supporting child victims or witnesses of violence.



Share good practice and establish systems to protect children from violence.


Member States are supported in strengthening child-friendly mechanisms, services and systems.


Prepare thematic collection of access to justice by children, and by child victims of violence and abuse in specific




Support the preparation of the Strategy for 2016-2019



The Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child 2016-2019 is submitted to the Committee of Ministers for adoption by 31 December 2015.

Supervise and support the work of the DECS-ENF, especially in its task to prepare the Strategy 2016-2019 and submitting the new Strategy to the CM by 31 December 2015.














  1. Terms of reference
  1. Expected results
  1. Work Programme
  1. Actions proposed by member States
  1. SG’s recommendations for information

Oversee the promotion and implementation of the Council of Europe Disability Action Plan 2006-2015 ,


The Council of Europe Disability Action Plan 2006-2015 is promoted and implemented by member States.


Supervise and support the work of DECS-RPD, especially in its tasks to promote the Action Plan and to develop the post-2015 Disability framework.



Review national legislation, rules and practices towards people with disabilities, especially regarding their legal capacity.




Prepare thematic collections on the rights of persons with disabilities.






Prepare thematic collections on violence against persons with disabilities.






Prepare thematic collections on access to justice by persons with disabilities, and victims of violence in specific.




Oversee follow-up and final review of the Council of Europe Disability Action Plan 2006-2015,

The Council of Europe Disability Action Plan 2006-2015 is reviewed and evaluated in 2015 by the Committee.


Review and evaluate the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan in 2015, drawing from the discussions in the CDDECS and in Sankt Petersburg (Russian Federation) in September 2015.




Oversee the development of the Council of Europe post-2015 disability framework;


A post-2015 disability framework is developed.

Approve and submit the draft disability work frame (strategy or action plan) 2016-2020, prepared by the DECS-RPD, for adoption by the Committee of Ministers in 2015.


Reinforce efforts to eliminate attitudinal, physical and regulatory barriers for full and equal participation of people with disabilities in society








[1] SG (2014)1

[2] SG/INF(2014) 28

[3] in accordance with decisions CM/Del/Dec(2013)1168/10.2 of the Committee of Ministers,

[4] Subject to the authorisation by the Committee of Ministers to hold this conference.