



This form is for drafting purposes only and must not be sent to the EYF.

It reproduces the information contained in the online form

to help you prepare your application.

All grant applications must be submitted online.

NGO Name

This information will automatically be filled in when your online registration form has been validated by the EYF. The number of your organisation will be used in all correspondence with the EYF.

NGO Number

NGO Type


Who is in charge of this project?

This person will be the contact person for all questions and comments concerning this work plan (application and report)


First name



Please make sure this is a valid address, as all communication is done via email.




Provide a title that summarises the work plan in two lines.

Title of the work plan

Work plan

Which elements of your organisation’s strategic approach have you chosen to present in a coherent work plan to be supported by the EYF?

Please consult the FAQ section on the EYF website for more information before filling in this section.

(6,000 characters maximum)

In this section, we do not expect you to describe the strategic approach of your organisation for the coming years. You can upload a document explaining this below.

Here, we want you to explain which elements of this strategic approach you have identified as constituting an annual work plan that could be supported by the EYF.

Please explain the rationale and reasons for targeting certain activities from your strategic approach, and explain what makes this particular work plan coherent.  

What is the main focus of the work plan? What are its aims and objectives?

Here you should also highlight the youth dimension and explain how a gender perspective is included throughout the work plan.

Strategic approach

Please attach your organisation’s strategic approach document for the coming year(s).  Some organisations call it “vision” or “action plan” (see FAQ on the EYF website).


This section is for you to give an overview of the different activities and how they are connected.

You should not describe each activity in detail as this information will be asked later in the form.

 You have 3,000 characters to:

- describe briefly each activity in chronological order;

- explain how the knowledge and results of one activity will feed into the next activity(ies);

- explain how these activities will contribute to achieving the objectives of the work plan as a whole.

Link with Council of Europe

Why should the EYF support your work plan?

What is the link with the priorities?

(3,000 characters) How does this work plan contribute to the work of the Council of Europe’s youth sector?,

How will you give visibility to the youth sector of the Council of Europe and the European Youth Foundation?


Please indicate the total cost of all the activities in the work plan.

The total grant requested from the EYF cannot exceed € 50,000.

Note: On the basis of the final report, the EYF will not be able to cover more than two-thirds of the total cost of the international activities supported by the EYF calculated together (i.e. the two-thirds rule will not apply to each separate international activity). This rule does not apply to “other” activities.

Total cost

Total grant requested

On page 4, you will find the form for the individual activities. You will have to provide information on each activity of your work plan (one form for each activity).

Note: Preparatory meetings for a specific activity, production of material, research, etc ., should not be added as separate activities, but must be linked to an international or other activity.


Anything to add?

If you wish, you can attach three further documents related to your work plan application on the Validation page at the end of the form. Please make sure that they add relevant information and not just copy what has already been filled in.


Your application form will not be examined without the following documents:

o   Your organisation’s strategic approach

o   Details of each activity

o   Programme per activity (draft programme that you can adapt later) – see model Daily Programme on the Resources page of the EYF website

o   Budget per activity (using the form available on the EYF website)


You are asked to fill in a separate sheet for each activity, bearing in mind the following:

·         The activities will automatically receive a number in the online system in the order you add them


The first activity you add is a regional training course taking place in April. This will automatically receive the number (1).

The second activity you add is an international seminar taking place in February. This will automatically receive the number (2).

·         The activities will appear in the online system in chronological order

Taking the example above, the activities will appear in chronological order, but with the activity number in the order you entered them in the system:

International seminar (2)

Regional training course (1)

Note: Please add each activity in the system in chronological order.


Give a short, meaningful title to each activity.

Title of the activity


You will have to choose between “international” and “other”.

To be “international”, the activity must fulfil the conditions applying to a one-off international activity (participants from 7 different countries, balanced geographical representation, gender balance, at least four full working days, 4 team members from different countries, European dimension).

Examples of “other” activities are local activities, study visits, regional seminars involving 3 or 4 countries, campaigns, etc.

Note: Preparatory meetings for a specific activity, production of material, research, etc . should not be added as separate activities, but must be linked to an international or other activity.

Scope of the activity

International        ⃝ Other           


Give us a general overview of the activity and its aim.

You will need to be able to summarise your ideas very clearly. You only have 3,000 characters to convince us!

Please focus on the following:

- Explain the context depending on the type of activity (international , local …).

- Describe what you want to do, highlighting the main theme(s), as well as the aims and objectives.

- Explain the different phases of the activity (e.g. preparatory meeting, main meeting, follow-up).

- Will this activity produce any concrete outputs? ( i.e. something produced that can be measured - for example case studies, a training manual, a resource pack)

Note: We invite you to use the programme (see below) to explain further the methods and learning outcomes, in order to provide the EYF with a clear idea of what you want to do.

GPS coordinates

Why GPS coordinates?

This will help us keep an updated map of NGOs and EYF-supported activities on our website. To provide GPS coordinates, please follow instructions on the EYF website ( – Grants/How to apply). N.B. The correct format is: 48.60228,7.769466.



GPS coordinates

Added value?

What justifies this activity being included in the work plan?

This is to help us assess the importance of this activity in the work plan and to understand in which way it is an essential part.

You have 3,000 characters to focus on the following:

- How will this activity feed into the next and/or future activities?

- Which objectives of the overall work plan will this activity contribute to?


Attach a draft programme  (if applicable), including the timing, topics for each session and methods to be used – see model Daily Programme on the Resources page of the EYF website You can adapt this version later in the course of the implementation of the work plan, depending on needs.


Who is involved in this activity?

This section is about the team and the participants.

(3,000 characters):

Who are the core project team members?

This includes all the people involved in the decision-making process (coordinator, trainer, facilitator). Support staff can be mentioned when reporting (logistics, finance, etc. – see model list of participants on the EYF website).

You need at least four nationalities represented in the team for an international activity.

Describe how the team will work together.

How will the experience and expertise of each team member be taken into account?

Describe the profile of the participants to be involved in this activity, including their background/expertise/competences.

How will you look for the participants (through an open call, going through your networks(s), calling on specific partners)? What criteria and procedure will you use to select the participants? Who will make the final selection?

Bear in mind that, if your grant application is accepted, you will have to send a list of participants signed by each person taking part in the activity(ies) when submitting your final report. Please use the model list of participants on the EYF website (Resources).

Note: Do not forget to add the number of participants per country when you have finished filling in this activity sheet in the online system (see below).


How many days will this activity last (excluding preparatory and follow-up meetings for an international activity)?

International activities should have at least 4 full working days (excluding travelling time of participants).

Start day

End day

Number of days


You are required to attach the draft budget of your activity split into 3 phases: preparation, activity and follow-up (if applicable). This should be as detailed as possible, indicating all anticipated expenses and income.

Please use the budget form available on the EYF website – Resources

Note: The Programming Committee on Youth decided to include the recognition of volunteer time contribution in EYF grants during a trial period of 2 years (2014-2015). Consult the official document on the EYF website (Resources page) explaining how volunteer time recognition (VTR) will be applied. If you would like to include VTR in your grant application, please explain here who will be involved (name, age, gender and country of residence) and describe the tasks to be performed as well as the amount of time foreseen for volunteers’ input. In the expenditure part of the budget (“other”), you should indicate how the valorisation of VTR is calculated. In the income section, the same amount has to appear as co-funding.

Note: When you have finished filling in the activity sheet, click on Save. You will then be asked to add the participants using the PAX button (this is obligatory and you will receive an error message if you try to submit your form without participants for each activity).


Participants by country

Give us an indication of the expected number of participants from each country.

You need participants from a minimum of 7 member states of the Council of Europe for an international activity and should ensure a balanced geographical scope.

For “other” activities, you must indicate at least one country.



Total number of participants