Action Plan 2014-2016

for the implementation of the Strategy on the advancement of Romani women and girls (2014-2020)



The Action Plan 2014-2016 includes activities for the achievement of the strategic objectives set up in the Strategy on the advancement of Romani women and girls, 2014-2020. The overall goal of the Strategy is to achieve the advancement and empowerment of Romani women and girls in Europe and the strengthening of gender equality and non-discrimination thereof in countries of residence through the realisation of five strategic objectives which integrate the issue of multiple discrimination and take into account the specific needs and priorities of Romani women and girls.

The Action Plan will be implemented by the Working Group of Romani Women for the implementation of the Strategy, established at the Expert meeting on “Drafting the Roadmap for the implementation of the Strategy on the advancement of Romani women and Girls 2014-2020”, on 17 February 2014. The members of the Working Group are part of the Phenjalipe, Romani Women’s Informal Platform, launched at the 4th International Romani Women’s Conference in Helsinki, on 18 September 2013. Phenjalipe, (“Sisterhood”) supports the implementation of the conference outcome document, the Strategy for the Advancement of Romani Women and Girls, 2014-2020, and further facilitates exchanges of information and coordination at regional level on issues related to Romani women and girls.

Strategic objective 1: Combating racism, anti-Gypsyism and gender stereotypes against Romani women and girls


Envisaged Activity





Promote a positive and objective image of Romani women in the media

1) Organise media conferences/lunches at national level

2) Partner with Dosta! Campaign on awareness raising activities (share the Plan with Dosta staff for developing specific activities)

CoE Dosta! campaign

Based on funding opportunities with the CoE, the European Commission

Throughout 2014-2016

Isabela, Working Group Members

Strategic objective 2: Preventing and combating various forms of violence against Romani women and girls

Envisaged Activity





Raise awareness on child marriage and the importance of preventing and ending child marriage

1) Write awareness raising letters on the occasion of 8th of March, and 11th of October (Child Girl Day) – 2014

2) Organise joint meetings with ERTF and CoE: 12 March 2014 - event on the occasion of the IWD

3) Follow up with CAHROM thematic report on child marriage – attend the May 2014 meeting

4) Stakeholders meeting on OSF findings on child marriage, December 2014

1)   ERTF, Roma NGOs

2)   ERTF, CoE


4)   OSF, CoE, OSCE

1) Existing resources

2) Funding needed (ERTF, Dosta)

3) Existing human resources

4) Based on funding possibilities with OSF, CoE, OSCE

1) 8 March; and 1st of October 2014

2) 12 March 2014

3) 14-16 May 2014

4) December 2014

1. Isabela

2. Isabela

3. Isabela/Michael Guet/Sarita Friman

Strategic objective 3: Guaranteeing Equal Access of Romani women and girls to public services

Envisaged Activity





Support adult education and elimination of illiteracy both in children and adult Romani women

1) Advocate for a thematic working group/visit on adult education and illiteracy of Romani girls and adult Romani women by CAHROM  - November 2014

2) Organise a side event under the OSCE HDIM in Warsaw, autumn 2014

3) Advocate with ROMACT/Community Action Groups for the introduction of adult education and elimination of illiteracy of Romani women and girls in the local action plans and follow up programmes.

4) Advocate with the National Focal Points and CAHROM experts for the introduction of adult education and elimination of illiteracy of Romani women and girls in the national/local Roma strategies.

1) CAHROM, Rapporteur on Education

2) OSCE/CPRSI and Gender Department


4) National Focal Points, CAHROM Experts, CAHROM Rapporteur on Education

1) Human resources

2) Fundraising with OSCE and Council of Europe

3) Human resources

4) Human resources

1) November 2013

2) Autumn 2014 (TBC)

3) Throughout project implementation

4) Throughout 2014-2016

1. Isabela, Michael/CoE

2. Isabela, Working Group Members

3. Working group Members (ROMACT/ROMED)

4) Isabela, Working Group Members

Empowerment, mobilisation and capacity building of Romani women at local level

1) Ensuring a budget for empowerment activities through developing fundraising proposals to be submitted to IOs. Activities will include but will not be limited to:

a) building a best practice project on economic empowerment of Romani women

b) regional project on active citizenship (workshops, seminars on community mobilisation and leadership, human rights awareness, women’s clubs and support networks etc.)

c) regional project on building capacity of Romani Women’s activists and NGOs to promote a women’s agenda at local level (through training on advocacy and lobby, policy development, political participation and leadership, exchanges and study visits and programmes with gender equality institutions, networking and joint seminar with relevant stakeholders and possible allies)

2) Ensuring empowerment of Romani women in the ROMED/ROMACT programmes though the mainstreaming component and the participation of Working Group members in the two programmes.

3) Liase with CAHROM on the thematic work on Romani women’s empowerment scheduled for 2014 and its follow up work (Thematic visit in Lithuania, 4-6 June).


1) Phenjalipe national members, Roma communities, Roma and Romani women’s NGOs and groups

2) ROMED, ROMACT, Phenjalipe


1) Fundraising based on existing opportunities and through creating partnerships with international organisations , such as the European Commission, OSCE, CoE, UN etc.

2) ROMED/ROMACT and existing human resources


1) March-June 2014 and throughout

2) Throughout project implementation

3) 4-6 June 2014 and as needed

1) Isabela, Working Group Members

2) Isabela, Working Group Members

3) Isabela

Strategic objective 5: Achieving adequate and meaningful participation of Romani women in political and public decision-making

Envisaged Activity





Promote and support adequate and meaningful participation of Romani women in local elections 2014-2015

1) Create partnership with the OSCE/CPRSI on voter’s education activities

2) organise a side event under the HDIM/SHDM on political participation of Romani women in 2014


Based on funding opportunities with the OSCE

As relevant

Isabela, Nicoleta, Working Group Members

Strategic objective 6: Achieving Gender and Romani Women’s Mainstreaming in all policies and measures

Envisaged Activity





Mainstreaming gender in ROMACT and ROMED 2014-2015

1) Provide expertise to the drafting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the projects

2) Facilitate training/working sessions on gender mainstreaming

3) Join monitoring country field visits

4) Facilitate gender experts/contacts

5) Brainstorm/provide ideas for community/ empowerment projects


ROMED team

Financial: ROMACT and ROMED

For the duration of the project implementation

1) Working Group Members

2) Working Group Members

3) Working Group Members

4) Working Group Members

Mainstreaming gender into the Roma National Integration Strategies 2014-2016

1) Promote and disseminate the Strategy on Romani women (mainstreaming objectives)

2) Develop and disseminate paper on principles and indicators for mainstreaming Romani women’s issues into the national Roma strategies and local action plans

3) Attend meetings and speak about the importance of mainstreaming gender/Romani women’s issues into policies for Roma and gender equality

1. European Parliament (FEMM Committee, Livia Jaroka Report on gender); National Focal Points = CAHROM Experts; CAHROM Rapporteur on Gender

2. National Focal Points and CAHROM

1) Human resources

2) Human resources

3) Based on funding opportunism, invitations for participation

1) Throughout 2014-2016

2) By April 2014

3) Throughout 2014-2016

1) Working Group members

2) Isabela

3) Working Group Members

Capacity building of Phenjalipe/Working Group members 2014 - 2016

1) Training and study sessions for the Working Group/s on gender equality and mainstreaming, non-discrimination and gender equality legislation and implementation mechanisms, policy development and advocacy; empowerment, etc.

Council of Europe



European Commission

Funding opportunities from the Council of Europe



European Commission

April – December 2014

Throughout 2014-2016

Isabela Mihalache

Outreach and follow up

Envisaged Activity





Increase the visibility of the Strategy in 2014-2016

1) Press release and media reports on the adoption of the Strategy

2) Communication on the FB page of Phenjalipe, CoE Romani women’s page, Roma Virtual Network, etc.

3) Awareness raising events related to the International Women’s Day, Roma Day, Roma Genocide day etc in Strasbourg and at country level by Working Group Members.

1. Council of Europe, Finnish Government

2. ERTF, CoE, members of Phenjalipe, Roma NGOs

3) ERTF, CoE, Roma NGOs

1) Human resources

2. Human resources

3) Base of available opportunities with the ERTF, CoE, Finnish Government

1) March – April 2014

2) Throughout 214-2016

3) March 8; August 2

1) Isabela; Working Group members

2) Isabela, Gabriela

3) Isabela; Working Group Members

Increase the visibility of the work of the implementing Working Group 2014-2016

1) Periodic activity reports published

2) Thematic articles

3) Information on Phenjalipe Facebook, CoE Romani women’s page, Roma Virtual Network etc.

4) Phenjalipe Google-group

5) Media reports

Phenjalipe FB and country members’ channels of dissemination; CoE website

Human resources

Throughout 2014-2016

Isabela; Working Group Members

Increase visibility of Phenjalipe

1) Press releases

2) Information on Phenjalipe Facebook, CoE Romani women’s page, Roma Virtual Network etc.

3) Phenjalipe Google-group

4) Attend meetings and conferences

5) Organises meetings and roundtables

Council of Europe




Human and financial resources, based on fundraising and support opportunities with the CoE, OSCE/CPRSI, UN, EC, Finnish Government

Throughout 2014-2016

Isabela; Working Group Members

Ensure follow up to the International Conferences on Romani women

1) Follow up brainstorming meeting with Turkey for the 5th International Conference in 2015, March 2014

2) Follow up preparation and consultation meeting with Romani women, the Turkish Government, CoE and other possible partners May-June 2014

3) Follow up to the Roundtable meeting on political participation in Moldova (24 February 2014)

1) Council of Europe, Finnish Government, CAHROM, Roma NGOs in Turkey

2) Council of Europe, Finnish Government, CAHROM, Roma NGOs in Turkey

3) OHCHR, UN Women, OSCE/CPRSI, Tarna Rom

1) Council of Europe funding, Turkish Government, possible Finnish contribution

2) Council of Europe funding, Turkish Government, possible Finnish contribution

3) Roundtable partners

1) March 2014

2) May-June 2014 and as needed

3) Year 2014





Assess the implementation of the Action Plan 2014-2016

1) Assessment report by the Phenjalipe network with the involvement of the Working Group, in partnership with the CoE, Finnish Government and Turkish Government.


Working Group

Council of Europe

Finnish Government

Turkish Government

Fundraising with the CoE, Finish and Turkish Government

End of 2006-beginning of 2017

Isabela/Working Group Members