GUIDE D’UTILISATION pour le nouveau système en ligne

Comment soumettre une demande pour une Activité Pilote

Table des matières

I.    Comment accéder aux formulaires de demande de subvention. 2

II.   Comment remplir le formulaire de demande pour une activité pilote. 3

III.  Une fois votre demande soumise auprès du FEJ. 18

IV.  Une fois votre demande validée par le FEJ. 23

V.   Remarques générales. 28

       I.            Comment accéder aux formulaires de demande de subvention

Une fois votre enregistrement validé par le FEJ, vous pourrez accéder aux formulaires de demande.

ü  Connectez-vous au système et déplacez le curseur sur le bouton vert « Projet », puis sur « Demande de financement » dans le menu sur le côté gauche. Aussitôt après, tous les types de projets auxquels votre organisation est éligible apparaîtront

    II.            Comment remplir le formulaire de demande pour une activité pilote           

ü  Vous atteindrez le formulaire de demande en cliquant sur « Demande de projet pilote»

ü  Vous arrivez sur le premier onglet « Présentation »

Le formulaire de demande se compose de 10 onglets, cependant tous les champs et onglets ne sont pas obligatoires.

ü  Les champs marqués d’une * sont obligatoires, ce qui signifie que tous les champs doivent être remplis sinon le formulaire de demande ne pourra pas être soumis.

ü  Si vous ne comprenez pas quelle information est demandée dans certaines sections, déplacer le curseur sur le point d’interrogation help_button et une brève explication apparaîtra à côté.

La partie supérieure du formulaire de demande concerne des informations générales sur votre organisation qui sont extraites à partir des informations indiquées dans le formulaire d’enregistrement.

Light Bulb On 32 h gSi vous avez noté dans cette section que des renseignements sont incorrectes, veuillez revenir au formulaire d’enregistrement, cliquez sur le bouton en bas « Demande de changement » et indiquer les changements. Puis, cliquez sur enregistrer les modifications en bas sur le même onglet.
Merci de garder à l’esprit que certains changements sont soumis à la validation du FEJ.

ü  Indiquez les coordonnées de la personne responsable de cette activité. Cette personne sera contactée en cas de questions ou commentaires concernant cette activité.

Dans la section « Présentation du projet », vous devez fournir des informations générales sur votre projet.

You can choose only one project type out of the three options: Awareness-raising, Skills development and Collaborative work. An activity can combine aspects of the different project types but the core aim of your activity should fall under one of the three.

ü  Vous pouvez choisir un seul type de projet sur les trois options : Sensibilisation, Développement des compétences et Travail collaboratif. Une activité peut combiner des aspects des différents types de projets, mais l'objectif principal de votre activité doit s'inscrire dans l'un des trois.

ü  Consultez les questions fréquemment posées (FAQ)  avant de choisir le type de projet pour votre activité.

ü  Utilisez le menu déroulant pour indiquer le pays où le projet aura lieu.

Choisissez « Autre » dans ce menu si l'activité est mise en oeuvre dans un pays en dehors des Etats membres et signataires de la Convention culturelle du Conseil et l'Europe. Dans ce cas, indiquez le pays et la ville dans le champ « Ville ».Light Bulb On 32 h g

Vous pouvez sélectionner plus qu’un lieu, le cas échéant. Dans le cas où l'activité se déroule dans plus de trois pays différents, veuillez indiquer cette information dans le champ « Quoi ».

N’oubliez pas d'indiquer les coordonnées GPS - pour que votre projet apparaisse sur la carte de la page d'accueil du site web du FEJ. Veuillez consulter les instructionspour fournir ces informations.

ü  Light Bulb On 32 h gInsert the “Start day” and the “End day” of your activity keeping in mind that you must submit your grant application for a pilot activity at least 3 months before the start date. We would advise you to send it earlier if possible, to give time for the assessment and decision-making process.

The dates of your activity will appear in the calendar on the website of the EYF, in case your project will be supported.

ü  After finalising this tab click on the button “Save” at the bottom of the page and on “Next page”. Follow this procedure at the end of each tab – otherwise your information could be lost.

In the following tab “What” you can see the help_button buttons and on top of that there are watermarks in the different fields. The watermarks are explaining in more detail what information the EYF is asking you to provide in the specific fields. If you click in the field concerned the watermark will disappear and you can write your text.

In all fields you have maximum 3000 characters spaces included to provide the requested information. Furthermore you can use to the menu at the top of each field in order to highlight and structure your text or to insert a link, if necessary.

ü  After finishing the tab you click again on “Save” and “Next page” at the bottom of this tab (Follow this at the end of each tab).

Then you will reach the tab “How” – in principle you follow the same procedure when filling in this tab.

ü  In this tab you are asked to upload a timeline and a draft programme of the activity.

The timeline should give a general overview of which actions are foreseen at which stage of the project over a certain period of time (preparation, activity, evaluation, follow-up). In this document you should present the milestones of the project with dates (you do not need to indicate the exact day but maybe the week or the month).

The programme should show how you will be working with the participants in a face-to-face situation during the main activity of your project (international meeting, workshop, training, etc). It should indicate which sessions are planned and on which topics. If you already know which methods you intend to use during the sessions you can also add this information. The programme can of course be adapted during the preparatory process and the activity itself depending on the needs of your participants.

Afterwards you follow the instructions on the tab “Impact” to fill in the fields there.

In the tab “Project team” you are asked to provide information on the members of your project team and their roles within the team.

ü  You click on the button “Add member”.

ü  The following page will open. Again the fields with * are obligatory and must be filled in.

Complete the form and click on “Save” at the bottom of the page.

ü  Then you will be back on the main page of the tab “Project Team” and you can see the main information which you provided for each member. Click on the button “Add member” again in order to provide this information for all team members.

ü  You can attach the CVs of the members of the project team. However you can attach only one document in this section, so if you would like to share several CVs please put them together in one document.

The next tab “Expertise” is not obligatory – but in case your organisation is cooperating with institutional partners (i.e. schools, universities or municipalities) you should provide information about these partners in this tab.

ü  You click on “Add partner” and the following page will open. Again the fields with * are obligatory and must be filled in.

Complete the form and click on “Save” at the bottom of the page.

Follow the same procedure for all institutional partners.

If you are receiving any other external support when preparing and implementing this activity indicate this by clicking on “Add expert” in the section Expertise.

The following window will open and you complete it by following the same procedure as for the partners and the team members.

You can add several experts, if necessary.

After completing this tab you move to the tab “Participants”.

ü  Use the drop down menu to indicate the number of participants per country. Choose “Other” in the drop down menu for participants from countries outside the Council of Europe member states and signatories to the Cultural Convention. Opposite to “Other” you indicate the total number of these participants and in the field “Other Countries” you specify which countries are concerned.

Please see example below:

Light Bulb On 32 h gThe total number of participants indicated in the section participants per country must be identical with the total number of participants indicated in the section “Age range”.

In the tab “Expenditure” you can see a table which you have to fill in, the budget is sorted according to the project phases: Preparation, Implementation and Follow-up.

ü  Provide us with the costs which are foreseen in the budget lines during the different phases of the project. On the right hand side, next to each amount there is a box where you should explain and specify which costs you calculated, for whom and how.

Light Bulb On 32 h gIf you are still negotiating in-kind contributions (for example with local authorities or private sponsors) please mention it here. However keep in mind that in-kind contributions should not appear in your financial report which should contain the real costs of your activity. For example if you succeed to negotiate accommodation for free with your municipality this should be indicated as accommodation = 0 Euro (in-kind contribution municipality).

In the following tab “Income” you should explain what other resources your organisation uses in order to finance this activity. Provide us with detailed information concerning all type of funding sources which you generate for this activity by filling in the fields on the left hand side.

Light Bulb On 32 h gIn this tab you also state your own resources used for this activity as well as contributions from participants.

A contribution from the participants is not obligatory for an EYF-funded activity. Depending on the circumstances, you can cover 100% of the participants' costs. The EYF does not want to limit access to EYF-funded activities to young people who can afford to pay a participation fee.

For each budget line in the income section you insert the amount and you choose a status - there are 3 options: Pending, Requested, Agreed.

Light Bulb On 32 h gAt the bottom of the page you note down the amount of the EYF grant requested.

The maximum grant which can be awarded for a pilot activity is 10 000 €.

In any case the total expenditure and the total income must be balanced.

Light Bulb On 32 h gIt is not necessary that you fill in the complete application form in one rush. On each page you can see the button “save” at the bottom, if you click on it and log out and log on to the system again at a later stage your information will be kept and the form will remain in status “draft” so that you can finalise the application any time later.

ü  In case there are documents which you would like to attach to the application, you have the option to attach maximum two additional documents on the validation page.

ü  After completing the application form you must certify that the information provided is true, accurate and complete and then you click on “Submit your NGO” at the bottom of the tab “Validation”.

 III.            After submitting your application form to the EYF


ü  After submitting your application form the status of your NGO changes to “New”. If you login to the system again you can see this change of status at the top of the form on the right hand side.

Light Bulb On 32 h gThe EYF Secretariat will take the time now to verify your application.

You cannot modify anything on the form unless the EYF Secretariat has given you access to the form again by asking for further information.

Once the project is in status “New” the EYF Secretariat might ask you for further information concerning your application.


ü  If the EYF needs more information in certain areas of your application form you will be informed about this by e-mail and you will be able to access your form. 

ü  In this case you should log on to the system again. In the section “Requests in progress” you can see all your projects, their status as well as when the last comment has been done.

ü  You click on the project title of the project concerned.

ü  As you can see on the right hand side of the page the status of your organisation changed into “Under discussion”

ü  In the tab “Comment” you can see in the blue box what further information is required by the EYF.

At the same time the tab concerned will be highlighted in red and if you enter this tab the fields concerned will be in a red frame. The concrete question/comment regarding this field is written next to it on the right hand side.

ü  In Status “Under discussion” specific sections which the EYF is referring to are open again and you are able to modify the requested sections.

ü  After finalising the modifications you click on the button “Submit request” at the bottom of the tab “Validation”.

Light Bulb On 32 h gYou are not obliged to change anything in the form, if you consider that this is not coherent in your specific context. In this case leave the form as it is and add a comment in the comment section explaining the reasons.

After submitting your NGO again the Status changes back to “New”. It is possible that this discussion goes back and forth several times and the status shifts between “Under discussion” and “New”.

  IV.            Once the application has been validated by the EYF


Once the discussion is finalised the EYF Secretariat will validate the application form. The status of the application will then change into “Eligible”. This means that your application will be submitted to the Programming Committee on Youth for decision.

Light Bulb On 32 h gGrant applications for pilot activities are processed throughout the year and the Programming Committee on Youth takes decisions every 2 to 3 months. You will be informed as soon as the decision is taken.


You will receive an email telling you that your EYF grant application has been approved. In this case you log on to the online system again and in “Requests in progress” you can see the status of all your requests.

ü  You click on the title of the project which is in status granted.

The following page will open.

ü  You click on update your bank details.

ü  Provide, update or verify your bank details and click on the button “Save”.

ü  Afterwards you must confirm that your bank details are complete and up-to-date. Also you must confirm that you have read and accept the operational regulations of the EYF.

ü  Then you click on “Confirm your information”.

The status of your project will change into “Ready for contract” as you can see in the list “Requests in progress”.

Light Bulb On 32 h g

You will receive a letter confirming the grant, as well as a grant acceptance form (GAF) attached to an email. The GAF must be signed and sent to the EYF by post. Check if there are any recommendations and/or conditions linked to the grant and if you need to provide additional information before the first instalment is paid.

Once the signed GAF is received by the EYF and all conditions are fulfilled the Secretariat can proceed with the first payment. However the first instalment can only be paid 10 weeks before the start of the activity, not earlier. Also, once you receive the information that the payment is in process please keep in mind that it can take up to 3 weeks until the money arrives in your bank account.


Instead of granting your project right away the Programming Committee on Youth has the option to reject an application with the option to resubmit the project, under certain conditions, at a later stage. You will receive an email informing you about this.

In this case you log on to the online system again and in “Requests in progress” you can see the status of your project.

ü  To resubmit your project, you open the application “Resubmission possible”, go to the “Validation” page and click on “Resubmit”.

ü  The application will then be duplicated and you will find a draft version in your “Projects in progress”. You can modify this version.

ü  Once you are finished you click on “Submit request” at the bottom of the Validation page and resubmit the application.


Applications which have been rejected by the Programming Committee on Youth cannot be resubmitted. You will be informed about the negative decision by email.

     V.            General Remarks

In case you have any questions during the process (independent of the status of your project application) you can add a comment in the comment section, if necessary.

ü  In this instance you click on “Add a new Comment” in the tab “Comment”.

ü  Write your comment or question in the box which opens and then you click on the button “Add your Comment”.

ü  Your comments will appear in orange on the left hand side in the tab “Comment”.

ü  You will be informed by email when the EYF responds to your comment. If you log on to the online system again and there you can see the EYF comments in the tab “Comment” on the right hand side.

The numbers of comments in this section are counted in the tab “Comment” at the top on the right hand side of the page.

Light Bulb On 32 h gIn case of major changes in your project (i.e. dates, venue, participants and budget) compared to the application submitted you must ask for prior approval to the EYF by using the comment section as explained above. If the EYF agrees to the changes the modifications will be done by the Secretariat and you will receive a notification about this.