



This form is for drafting purposes only and must not be sent to the EYF.

It reproduces the information contained in the online form to help you prepare the application. All grant applications must be submitted online at Organisations must first register with the EYF before submitting their application.

NGO Name

This information will automatically be filled in when your online registration form has been validated by the EYF. The number of your organisation will be used in all correspondence with the EYF.

NGO Number

NGO Type


Who is in charge of communication with the EYF for this project? This person will be the contact person for all questions and comments concerning this activity (application and report).

First name



Please make sure this is a valid address.



Provide information that is as complete and clear as possible, using your own words. Please check the EYF website for clarification and more information before filling in the form:, What we support/International activity.


Title of the project


Is your proposal more about:

-          Raising participants’ awareness about something (knowledge, particular situation, particular solutions or responses), and at the end they can say “I now know this or that”, “I am aware of this or that”; this is awareness raising;

-          Developing participants’ skills to address a situation and at the end they are in a position to say: “I can do this” or “I have the ability to do that”; this is skills development;

-          Developing products (for example a campaign, guidelines, recommendations, etc) and at the end participants can say “I have contributed to develop this or that”; this is collaborative work.

There might be elements linked to all three, but you are requested to choose what constitutes the core of your activity.

Project type

⃝ Awareness raising  ⃝ Skills development  ⃝ Collaborative work          


Country and town. Where does the project take place? You can indicate more than one venue if applicable.

GPS coordinates

Why GPS coordinates? This will help us keep an updated map of NGOs and EYF-supported activities on our website. To provide GPS coordinates, please follow the instructions on the EYF website ( – FAQ/General). The format is: 48.60228,7.769466 (no space after the comma).



GPS coordinates


Include here the whole project duration, from the preparatory to the evaluation and closing phase of your project. Below, in the number of days, include the number of working days of the international meeting. Please note that the full project duration means the period within which the project costs incur.

Project start day

Project end day

Number of working days of the international meeting of young people



Give us a general overview of the project.

Please explain the youth and European dimension of your project.

Explain what format the main activity of the project will take (seminar, camp, conference, training course, strategic meeting, advocacy meeting, etc.).

How is this project linked to the priorities of the Council of Europe’s youth sector? Look at the EYF funding priorities and choose those most relevant for your project.


Explain the need for this project.

- What needs / issues / aspirations of young people do you want to address and how you identified / prioritised them?

- What is the added value of doing this activity at an international level rather than national?

- If you have partners, why were they chosen to co-operate on this particular project?

- What is the added value of the venue chosen in relation to the topic of the project?

To achieve what?

Describe the aim and the main objectives. An objective is specific, realistic, measurable and easy to assess at the end of a process. It is the objective that defines the work to be done and how to achieve it.

If relevant, explain what outputs/products you expect to create, for example a training manual, a resource pack, development of action plans, a video, etc).



Attach a timeline document to explain the calendar with milestones and foreseen dates for the duration of the project. This includes preparation, the activity(ies), evaluation, follow-up. Please include, if already known, the precise dates of the international activity meeting.

Attach a draft programme. A model daily programme is available on the Resources/Forms & guidelines page of the EYF website

Methodological approaches

Explain the methodological approaches of the activity.

Refer to how the activity contributes to youth participation and intercultural learning.

Guide us through the learning process of your programme. How will you ensure a non-formal education approach?

What kind environmental approach will you have? You may consider an environmentally friendly approaches when planning, preparing and implementing youth activities in order to reduce the effects on the environment. For more information, please check this page.

Gender equality and inclusion

How will your project contribute towards gender equality and inclusion of groups exposed to marginalization, exclusion and discrimination? *

We would like to understand how you have considered the experience of different genders for the main issue you want to address. We would also like to understand whether your project will include any measures for the inclusion of groups exposed to marginalisation, exclusion and discrimination.


Results for participants

What will the participants gain from this project?

At the end of the activity, what do you expect the participants to have learnt from the experience in terms of “I now know…” (knowledge), “I can now do…” (skills), I have now changed my attitude towards  …? How do you plan to measure and/or evaluate this?

Cascading effect

- How will the participants share what they learnt? With whom and where? Explain how people who were not participating will benefit from this activity.   

- How and to whom will the specific results of the activity be disseminated?

- What influence and change do you expect within participants’ organisations?

For each, indicate the method of assessment envisaged, the indicators and the evaluation schedule. What qualitative measures will you follow?


How do you plan to give visibility to this project?

How do you expect participants to give visibility to the project in their contexts?

How will you give visibility to and acknowledge the EYF support?

Follow up

What follow-up action is planned by your organisation at the end of this project? Do you expect the participants to take follow-up action and how do you intend to support them? How will you continue to work on this topic (if applicable)?


Project team

Who are the core project team members? You need at least four nationalities represented in the team for an international activity, with a majority under 30 years of age. This includes all the people involved in the decision-making process (coordinator, trainer, facilitator). Support staff can be mentioned when reporting (logistics, finance, etc. – see model list of participants on the EYF website).

First name





Country of residence


Please attach the CVs of the trainers (if they are already identified).


Describe how the team will work together.

How will the experience and expertise of each team member be taken into account?

Do you have an experienced youth trainer on the team? If not, you may wish to contact the Council of Europe Youth Department’s Trainers Pool:

Please indicate clearly if your partner organisations are represented in the team.



Will you have institutional partners (universities, public authorities, research institutions, etc.), partners from other sectors, or other NGO partners? Explain the role that the partner(s) will play in the project, and the added value of the partnership.




Please make sure this is a valid address




Is there any specific expertise needed on a topic, or in training or facilitation?

If this is the case, describe the profile here (including details of the person if you have already selected someone).

First name






PARTNERS (obligatory for national NGOs)

If you are a national organisation, you need to have at least 3 NGO partners from 3 other countries or one international youth organisation / networks as partner. The applying NGO and the 3 (minimum) partners must work together throughout the whole process (initial idea, concept, design, implementation, evaluation, etc.). There must be a valid reason why these organisations are working together (for example a common vision on a particular subject, specific expertise, previous co-operation). Please explain why you co-operate with these organisations, what joint activities you have carried out over the past 2 years, what role each organisation will play in the process and if the organisations are known to the EYF. A partner is not an individual, neither an organisation only sending participants but not having any other role. Please fill in the following information for each partner:

NGO Name



Email contact

Please make sure this is a valid address as the EYF will contact your partners

Details of joint activities since 2 years

(attach a separate document if necessary)

Is the NGO known to the EYF?

Why this cooperation?

Who will do what?


Participants by country

Give us an indication of the expected number of participants from each country who will be directly involved in the activity. Do not include the team here (see section on Project Team above).

You need participants from a minimum of 7 member states of the Council of Europe and should ensure a balanced geographical scope.



Total number of participants

Age range

The Council of Europe defines youth as between 15 and 30. You are allowed to have participants younger or older within a limit of 25% (to be justified in the Participants’ profile field below).

Less than 15 years

Between 15 and 30 years

Over 30 years


Participants’ profile

Describe the profile of the participants to be directly involved in this project, including the criteria for their selection.

How will you look for the participants (through an open call, going through your networks(s), calling on specific partners)? What procedure will you use to select the participants? Who will make the final selection?


You are required to fill in a budget table online indicating the draft budget of your activity split into three phases: preparation, activity and follow-up. Bear in mind that the EYF cannot cover more than two-thirds of the total cost of an international activity. The draft budget should be as detailed as possible, indicating all anticipated expenses and income.

Please use the budget form available on the EYF website – Resources/Forms & guidelines.


Anything to add? If you wish, you can attach two further documents related to your application. Please make sure that they add relevant information and not just copy what has already been filled in.


Your application form will not be examined without the following documents:

o   Timeline (calendar with milestones and foreseen dates for the duration of the project)

o   Programme (using the model daily programme available on the EYF website)

o   Budget (using the model form available on the EYF website)