Rule No. 1379 of 22 June 2016 amending Rule No. 1327 of 10 January 2011 on awareness and prevention of fraud and corruption

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe,

HAVING REGARD to Rule No. 1327 of 10 January 2011 on awareness and prevention of fraud and corruption (hereinafter referred to as “Rule No. 1327”);

CONSIDERING that investigations into suspected fraud and/or corruption shall fall within the responsibility of the Directorate of Internal Oversight;

HAVING SOUGHT the opinion of the Director of Internal Oversight;

HAVING CONSULTED the Staff Committee in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 3, of the Regulations on staff participation (Appendix I to the Staff Regulations);

D E C I D E S:

Article 1

1.     In Article 4, paragraph 1, of Rule No. 1327, the words “to the Director General of Administration or” shall be deleted.

2.     In Article 4, paragraph 4, of Rule No. 1327, the words “and advice from the Director General of Administration or” shall be deleted.

Article 2

In Article 5, paragraph 1, of Rule No. 1327, the words “The Director General of Administration or” shall be deleted and in the English version the word “them” shall be replaced by the words “him/her”.

Article 3

This Rule shall enter into force on the day of its signature by the Secretary General.

Strasbourg, 22 June 2016

The Secretary General,

Thorbjørn JAGLAND